Monday, September 19, 2011

10 Reasons Why I am a Bad Mother

1. Sometimes I forget I have a baby. Usually when woken up from a deep sleep and I am like...what is making that noise...oh right my baby.

2. I laugh at her all the time. Usually when she is trying to do something she is waaaay to young to do.

3. Sometimes I give her a bath just to stop her from crying. She likes the bath it makes her happy. I know I am only supposed to bathe her every 2-3 days becuase it dries out her skin. I use a lot of lotion.

4. I drag her all over the place and at a young age. I took her to Target at like 2 weeks. I go out under the guise that she needs something or her grandmother needs to see her. Mostly a load of crap. I don't like being stuck in the house. She is a trooper. We took her out of state at one month. To a party at a frat house no less. It wasn't a frat part that is just where it was held. Don't worry, I changed her in the car.

5. I leave her all the time. I think we left her at 5 days with gradma for the first time to go to the bar at DuClaw's. She actually did need something that day from the mall. We left her a few days later to get Pachanga Punch with our best friend's for my birthday. What is Pachanga Punch you ask? It is this amazing mixture of sangria and margarita...yumm. We left her for the weekend for the first time at two months. She was fine. Her Grandmommy and Pop Pop took good care of her.

6. I let her sleep on her stomach when she is napping. Yeah, yeah SIDS. She can pick up her head just fine. She sleeps better on her tummy and that way I can both shower and eat. Otherwise I have to pick between one or the other. In fact that is how I had time to write this list. I don't let her do it at night but to be entirely honest that is only becuase I am worried about what people will think. I know this is an unusual trait for me. Also there is a lot of evidence to suggest that SIDS doesn't happen for no reason. It is usually the result of a head injury that was not caught. Also I have her bumper in the crib. When she was super little she couldn't move any where near it. Now that she can she is smart enough not to suffocate herself.

7. I don't sterilize her bottles or use bottled water. We put them in the dishwasher which is pretty close to sterilizing and the whole sterilizing thing is out of date. People had to boil the bottles back in the day when they were glass. Now there is evidence suggesting that sterilizing bottles in the microwave breaks down the plastic. We have a Brita Filter which of course does not get rid of the fluoride which is what is bad for them but it is good enough for me. She seems fine. I do take bottled water when we travel just in case the frat house we are visiting doesn't have a filter that allows me to pretend I am going that extra mile.

8. I let her lie on the floor with the dog. Pekingese have been known to kill babies. However my pekingese couldn't hurt a fly. No, seriously. She tried once. The fly won. I don't let her do it when I am not in the room but even my mother-in-law who is like the dog queen thinks it is a bad idea.

9. We kicked her out of our room after two weeks. We got like no sleep and that seemed like a bad thing. We let her cry it out at 3 weeks. Most people will tell you that is waaaay to early. She slept through the night at one month in her own room...just saying.

10. I chose to bottle feed. Ok I can't breast feed becuase of medication I take, but I wouldn't if I could. It creeps me out. Not when other people do it but I just don't want to. So there.