Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 Reasons Why Pat is the Better Parent

1. He gets upset when she is crying. I tell myself that I hear her cry all day that I have to laugh. Also have you seen the face they make? It is pretty funny.

2. I thought by staying home I'd have all this extra time to do things like cook and clean. Ha! He has never complained.

3. Everyday between 1pm and 2pm he calls to check on us.

4. He wants to see her grow. He wants her to develop and learn to do things. Like become a person. I want to put her in a reverse stretcher and make her little forever. Talking is so unnecessary.

5. Last week I pierced her ears and every day I make her wear a bow. As ridiculous as this all is he doesn't fight me on it. If momma ain't happy, no body is.

6. He actually likes feeding her. It is like their "bonding" time. I got over that like 4,000 feedings ago.

7. Babies hear in higher pitches then adults. Generally speaking this is why they like women better. As a result he use this silly high pitched voice when he speaks to her. I told him it was the same voice he uses with the dog. He says it is his "small" voice.

8. On that note, he still likes the dog. He pets her and feeds her and walks her. I seem to have forgotten she exists.

9. The baby likes it when I sing to her. He has totally gotten over hearing "A Spoon Full of Sugar" 10 times a day.

10. We probably can't have another baby. But he loves this one so much he doesn't care.

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