Status update: much as predicted, wait and we'll see is the doctor's orders. I saw the midwife on Friday and she said that the contractions caused the baby to move down low and her head is pushing down on my cervix. So I have to go back on bed rest, well modified bed rest, which means I can sit on the couch rather than in bed. I can go out occasionally but I learned over the weekend that if I stand for too long I feel like she is going to fall out and it really hurts. Basically I am to stay off my feet so gravity doesn't do its part in making this baby come early. I have to wear the stupid belly band all the time becuase it will "encourage" her not to go to low. I go back in two weeks and they will re-evaluate.
I think I got a single month of peace. In addition to being "stuck in place" again, I have terrible heart burn and I can't breathe. My diet is restricted again and sleeping is a thing of the past. It is really depressing. I know last week I was all flustered about going back to work but I was really looking forward to getting something of normalcy back. I really want to be a member of society again. I went to a HOA meeting last night and it was the first time I ever enjoyed a meeting. I sit on the board and people fight and there is no pleasing anyone and usually it sucks. Last night I got a real high from it becuase I think it was the first time I have done something productive in like 6 months. But then I came home and felt like crap. I'm starting to realize if I don't do what they tell me I really am going to have this baby 10 weeks early. *Sigh* Pat made me pack my hospital bag "just in case." It is so surreal. This morning I was looking at my ginormous hippo belly in the mirror and I thought "huh, I am pregnant." You'd think I would have accepted that by now.
There is a silver lining here though. I had an ultrasound yesterday. I can report the following: She is in fact head down and very low but she is very active (surprise, surprise) which is apparently a very good sign at this point in the pregnancy. We saw her playing with her hands and yawning. That was very cool. Her organs are all intact and functioning properly. Oh and she has hair. Yes, hair. I can't believe they can tell that on a sonogram but you can, they printed me a picture and sure enough she has hair. Also, according tot he ultrasound tech she is going to be cute. I don't know how she knows that. She does seem to have a cute little nose, but generally speaking newborns are not cute they are kind of creepy looking.
I was very happy to see her yesterday. After all the drama from last week it was reassuring. She actually seemed like a little person and not just an alien. I think I may have teared up a bit when I saw her yawn. Pat is starting to get really excited. He has been pretty nervous but after seeing her yesterday he can't wait to meet her. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it. Hormones are stupid...At this point all I want to do is hold her in my arms, but not for another 10 weeks, so stay put child!
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